Architect: Darius Budrys
Project: UAB „Budrio Dizaino Studija“
KNX project manger: „Think Light“, 2011 m.
A user experience is created, telling clients of the hotel’s modernity and sophistication, while providing balanced lighting cost-effectiveness ensuring solutions.
Exceptional, single-design switches and controls are installed.
A system is installed where by entering the room and entering the hotel card in the reader, the system decides if it needs to automatically switch the lighting in the room on, by reacting on the flow of light accessing it from the outside.
A system is installed, ensuring that whenever guests leave their hotel rooms, the light and climate mode is switched to economic, and the reception is informed if the guests are in the room.
A few light scenarios are created, with a possibility to control (manage) them from the reception.
Please, see what we do.