Smart SPACES designs
We know how to create comfort at a workplace or an attractive environment for relaxation at a hotel and in public spaces. We are proud of installing solutions, preserving cultural heritage and exceptional works of art. We perfectly understand the expectations of building and exceptional space managers, which allows us to balance the user experience with the designed space efficiency. This way we ensure harmony between technology and aesthetics.
Architect: Ričardas Bitovtas
Project: „Projektavimo ir restauravimo institutas“
KNX project manager: „Think Light“
2014 y.
Architektai: “A2SM” Aurimas Sasnauskas
Projektas: “Creolink” biuras ir sandėlis
Apšvietimo projektuotojas: „THINK LIGHT”
2019 m.
Architect:Alfredas Trimonis
Project: Trimonio darbo grupė
Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“
2012 y.
Architektai: Audrius Ambrasas, Vilma Adomonytė
Projektas: A.Ambraso projektavimo firma
Apšvietimo projektuotojas: „Think Light“
2009 m.
Architect: Audrius Ambrasas
Project: A.Ambraso PI
Interior project: Darius Juškevičius
2014 y.
Architect: Darius Budrys
Project: UAB „Budrio Dizaino Studija“
KNX project manager: „Think Light“
2011 y.
Architects: Andrė Baldišiūtė, Sabina Daugėlienė, Domantas Lukšėnas, Dovilė Skrupskelienė
Lighting and KNX project manager: „THINK LIGHT“
2018 m.
Architect: Viačeslavas Malenko
Project: A2SM
Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“
2011 y.
Architects: A. ir M. Bučai, D. Čaplinskas, G. Kuginys
Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light”
2009 y.
Architect: Viačeslavas Malenko, Aurimas Sasnauskas, Luka Galinytė, Greta Frišmantaitė-Gudaitienė
Project: „A2SM Architects“
Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“
2016 y.
Architect: Sigitas Sparnaitis
Project: „Eventus Pro“
Lighting designer: „Think Light“
2012 y.
Architect: Algimantas Kančas
Project: A.Kančo projektavimo firma
Lighting designer: „Think Light“
2007 y.
Architect: Aušra Gvildienė
Project: UAB „Archinova“
Lighting designer: „Think Light“
2014 y.
Architect: Eglė Truskauskienė
Project: „IDW metawood“
Designer: Rasa Miliūnaitė-Janėnienė
Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“
2016 y.
Please, see what we do.