Smart SPACES designs

  • Smart public designs
  • Smart offices designs
  • Smart culture designs
  • Smart hotel designs

We know how to create comfort at a workplace or an attractive environment for relaxation at a hotel and in public spaces. We are proud of installing solutions, preserving cultural heritage and exceptional works of art. We perfectly understand the expectations of building and exceptional space managers, which allows us to balance the user experience with the designed space efficiency. This way we ensure harmony between technology and aesthetics.


Domina produktai ir kainos?



  • Building interior and exterior high-quality, economical and durable lighting systems;
  • Lighting management systems ensuring lighting when and where it is needed;
  • Building climate and blinds management systems – a necessity for modern buildings;
  • Building entry and access control systems and telephone locks.
  • And all of this acts like a unified system, controlled by a single person;


  • Analysis and creating a concept
  • Design
  • Equipment supply
  • System programming and installation


Vilnius city lower castle at the Cathedral square

Architect: Ričardas Bitovtas

Project: „Projektavimo ir restauravimo institutas“

KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2014 y.

(LT) Logistikos centro “Creolink” biuras Vilniuje


Architektai: “A2SM” Aurimas Sasnauskas

Projektas: “Creolink” biuras ir sandėlis

Apšvietimo projektuotojas: „THINK LIGHT”

2019 m.

Residential house „JACHTA“

Architect: Tomas Lapė

Project: “Studija lapė”

2015 m.

Business center in Vilnius „Pirklių klubas“

Architect:Alfredas Trimonis

Project: Trimonio darbo grupė

Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2012 y.


Bureau in Vilnius „Swedbank“

Architektai: Audrius Ambrasas, Vilma Adomonytė

Projektas: A.Ambraso projektavimo firma

Apšvietimo projektuotojas: „Think Light“

2009 m.


Residential house at Gulbinų st. in Vilnius

Architect: Audrius Ambrasas

Project: A.Ambraso PI

Interior project: Darius Juškevičius

2014 y.


Vilnius hotel „Holiday Inn“ hall

Project: R-Interiors Ltd.

Lighting designer: „Think Light“

2012 y.

Vilnius „Holiday Inn“ hotel restaurant „RIB ROOM“

Project: Rinteriors Ltd

Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2012 y.


„Hotel Palanga SPA“, Palanga

Architect: Darius Budrys

Project: UAB „Budrio Dizaino Studija“

KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2011 y.


Architects: Andrė Baldišiūtė, Sabina Daugėlienė, Domantas Lukšėnas, Dovilė Skrupskelienė


Lighting and KNX project manager: „THINK LIGHT“

2018 m.

Residential house in Turniškių street. In Vilnius

Architect: Alfredas Trimonis

Studio: TRIMONIS architects

2014 y.

Vilnius Business center “Green Hall”, “Barclays” bank premises in Vilnius

Architect: Viačeslavas Malenko

Project: A2SM

Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2011 y.

National Gallery of art

Architects: A. ir M. Bučai, D. Čaplinskas, G. Kuginys

Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light”

2009 y.

“Danske Bank” service center in Vilnius

Architect: Viačeslavas Malenko, Aurimas Sasnauskas, Luka Galinytė, Greta Frišmantaitė-Gudaitienė

Project: „A2SM Architects“

Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2016 y.


Šiauliai Airport „NATO“

Project: „Pastatų konstrukcijos“

Lighting designer: „Think Light“

2011 y.


“Thermo Fisher Scientific” bureau in Vilnius

Architect: Sigitas Sparnaitis

Project: „Eventus Pro“

Lighting designer: „Think Light“

2012 y.

Mykolas Romeris University

Architect: xxx

Project: xxx 

Lighting designer: „Think Light“

2007 y.


Car center „Nissan“

Architect: Simonas Talandzevičius

Lighting designer: „Think Light“

2005 y.


Trade center “Akropolis”

Architect: Algimantas Kančas

Project: A.Kančo projektavimo firma

Lighting designer: „Think Light“ 

2007 y.



Vilnius Cathedral bell tower

Architect: Aušra Gvildienė

Project: UAB „Archinova“

Lighting designer: „Think Light“

2014 y.

„IDW Esperanza Resort SPA “,Vilnius district

Architect: Eglė Truskauskienė

Project: „IDW metawood“

Designer: Rasa Miliūnaitė-Janėnienė

Lighting and KNX project manager: „Think Light“

2016 y.


Please, see what we do.